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팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

We create a life style.

We would like to make a leap to a global fashion culture company beyond Korea’s best total eyewear company.

  • Eyewear

    Future total eyewear company
    that leads the business world.
    Knowhow & Technology

  • R & D

    Endless research and
    active investment on quality
    Research & Development

  • Global market

    Global market respons & talent training,
    design capacity enhancement
    Global Strategy & human

Leaping to a global fashion culture company

we will arrange the base for sustainable growth by actively promoting overseas market and new business exploration
while nurturing our representative brands as global luxury brands

Customer Center+82-53-587-5400

(259-7, Galsan-dong) 19, Seongseoseo-ro 40-gil, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea 42704 Mutual : EUREKA, Inc. Company Registration Number : 503-81-39191
Representation : C. B. Sohn Tel : +82-53-587-5400 Fax : +82-53-587-4400 E-mail :

Copyright © EUREKA, Inc. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.  열쇠모양 아이콘